Go Karting Gothenburg

Gokart Training

For all ages

We have two types of training groups, adults (15+) and kids (min. length 145 cm).

Go kart träning

Endurance - Gokart training

For you who want to take your driving to the next level.
We want to offer those who are interested an opportunity to get better and drive with like-minded people.
It is mixed ages (15+) and driving skills, what you all have in common is that you want to drive a lot and improve your driving skills. The fastest way to learn is following those who are faster and do what they do, Once you have improved your lap times, small adjustments are required, a lot of “trial and error” to look forward to. The staff will always be there to help you improve.

You will receive an SMS a few days before the endurance training, we have a limited amount of spots so first come, first served.
You call in for binding registration.
The setup is 2×20 min



For the youngsters who are passionate about driving.
Here it is important that the kid has driven their own kart before and set certain lap times to be able to participate. It goes so fast with the young people who are already participating that we can’t let in complete beginners, the kid has to drive a few drop-in heats beforehand and beat certain times. If we who work there are informed about the commitment and interest of the kid/youth, we are more than happy to coach until we see that there will be no problems joining the kidsclub.

You will receive an SMS a few days before it is time, first come, first served. You call in for binding registration.
Layout 50min drive with a short break. It’s mostly driving, with some tips on what they can think of to improve. Sometimes we also run starts or with cones, but it depends on what the youngsters want as well.

go kart träning barn

Sign up

We will send an SMS to everyone who is interested a few days before the upcoming training.
Read above information before signing up.

You choose if you want to participate by either ignoring the message or calling in and booking a spot.


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Carolikart Challenge

Årets Hyrkart Happening går av stapeln här hos oss.
Första deltävlingen i Caroli Kart Challenge 2025.
För er som kör Vuxenkart spika 31/3 -25.
1a, 2a och 3a direktkvalificerar sig till Sverige finalen 23/8-25 i Helsingborg.
Stort Lycka Till!